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This pages includes all the stress management materials for you to refer back to whenever you would like. 

Each link leads to reflection questions along with an infographic that provides information and strategies for sustainable stress management.

This infographic discusses how you can reflect on what's important to you and some ideas on how to create a plan

This infographic talks about growth mindset and why it’s important to keep this concept in mind when we are making a plan

This infographic goes into detail about how to address common challenges that may arise when practicing stress management strategies

This infographic has some information on how to gain awareness of our resources to face certain barriers like space, money, and physical limits

This infographic talks about how to work your way up to your goals without feeling overwhelmed 

This infographic discusses how to manage your time to help you integrate stress management strategies in the long term

This infographic provides background information on how to address intense emotions and setbacks

This infographic goes into more detail about how to build a strong community that can help you succeed 

This infographic talks about how to effectively track your habits and why it’s important to try different stress management strategies

This infographic explains the different ways that we can reward ourselves to level up our wellness and how important it is to remain aware of our successes

Resource Sheets

Below you can find links to two resource sheets that compile the strategies from all the infographics for quick access


3700 McTavish Street B-174, Montréal, Québec H3A 1Y2

Copyright © 2025 Dr. Nancy Heath Research Team. All Rights Reserved


Research supported through the following granting agencies:


  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

  • Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC)

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

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