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E-Mental Health Best Practice Guidelines

E-Mental Health Best Practice Guidelines/ Guide des meilleures pratiques pour la sélection de ressources de cybersanté mentale

Click the link above to access brief videos, infographic guides, and supplemental guides (in both English and French) pertaining to best practice guidelines for the selection of e-mental health resources for adolescents!

Mindfulness Resources

Your Calm Spot: 

A web app with evidence-based and developmentally appropriate mindfulness and stress management strategies for youth.


Mindful Teachers: 

Provides information on how to use mindfulness with children and adolescents as a teacher


Mindfulness for Teens: 

Provides teen-friendly information on using mindfulness, guided meditations, etc.


Mindful Schools:

Offers courses and resources for teachers and educators to learn to use mindfulness with youths


Stressed Teens: 

Provides teen-friendly mindfulness activities and resources

Self-Injury Resources

The Huffington Post

Article debunking 5 myths around NSSI


Self-Injury Outreach and Support:

Outreach initiative with information and resources for those who self-injure and those who want to help


Cornell University:

Online training course NSSI 101. Also, resources are divided by topic and audience (info for friends, family, therapists, youth serving professionals)


Canadian Mental Health Association:

Definition and information on warning signs as well as counselling and support. Information for loved ones of those self-harming


Mental Health Committee from Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario:

Fact sheet about NSSI for parents, a how to guide to providing both short term support and long term support,  information on how to respond to your child’s self-injury, and support and advocacy groups


ACT Centre of Excellence Research Facts and Findings article on Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Adolescence by Janis Whitlock:

Information such as definition, warning signs, prevalence, and causes and motivation


Psychology Today article on Depression and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury

Stress & Coping Resources

Promoting Educational Excellence and Resilience (PEER) - Interactive Infographic

This infographic is a resource for students to build capacity to cope with the stress of demanding educational environments in order to enhance academic success and well-being.


Managing Stress in Difficult Times - Interactive Infographic

This infographic was developed by the DAIR team in collaboration with Lester B. Pearson School Board’s Centre of Excellence in Mental Health to provide high school students with information and strategies around managing stress in challenging times. The infographic includes links to interactive videos, worksheets, and resources aimed at managing stress and enhancing wellness.


High school students, CLICK HERE!


Gestion du stress dans des moments difficiles – Infographique interactif

Cet infographique a été développé par l’équipe DAIR en collaboration avec le Centre of Excellence in Mental Health de la commission scolaire Lester B. Pearson. L’infographique inclut des liens à des vidéos interactifs, des feuilles de travail ainsi que des ressources visées à la gestion du stress et l’amélioration du bien-être.


Étudiants du secondaire, CLIQUEZ IÇI!


Calm in the Storm - Free App

Reduce, manage, and learn about stress in your life with Calm in the Storm. This app was created by mental health professionals using clinically proven information and strategies. The app includes psycho-educational information on stress, anxiety and coping as well as local resources. The content can be personalized for the individual user based on their preference for different coping techniques.


Mindshift - Free App

Designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety. The focus is to help change how you think about anxiety, rather than avoiding it. The app is like a portable, personal coach to help the individual user face challenging situations and take charge of life. The app begins with a tutorial on how to use it, includes quick tips for in-the-moment coping techniques, and a check-in diary where you can jot down thoughts and reflections.


Practicing Emotional First Aid - Ted Talk

Dr. Guy Winch makes the case for everyone to practice emotional first aid, that is, take care of our emotions and our minds with the same diligence as we take care of our bodies.


Centre for Studies on Human Stress

The Centre for Studies on Human Stress (CSHS) is dedicated to improving the physical and mental health of Canadians by empowering individuals with scientifically grounded information on the effects of stress on the brain and body.

Mental Health Resources

HelpGuide is a nonprofit provider of health information and resources that cover a wide range of topics, including mental and physical health and wellness, children and family, relationships, aging and more.


For Students: McGill's Student Wellness Hub

Through the Student Wellness Hub of McGill’s Student Services, students can access care from a health professional (i.e., meet with a nurse, doctor, dietitian, or counsellor), consult online self-help and support resources, or meet with a Local Wellness Advisor to learn about mental health and well-being, tools to deal with stress, and more.


For Educators: Mental Health Online Resources for Educators (MORE)

MORE is a program of online professional development for classroom teachers and other school personnel working in ECS through Grade 12 in school divisions primarily throughout Alberta. New this year, we will be offering our modules to educators throughout Canada.


For Friends and Caregivers: AMI-Québec

AMI-Quebec helps families manage the effects of mental illness through support, education, guidance, and advocacy. Most programs are free.


For Listening Services: FACE À FACE

A team of professionally-trained volunteers are available to listen to you and help you overcome your personal difficulties.


3700 McTavish Street B-174, Montréal, Québec H3A 1Y2

Copyright © 2025 Dr. Nancy Heath Research Team. All Rights Reserved


Research supported through the following granting agencies:


  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

  • Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC)

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

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