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Counselling Psychology

Research Interests: non-suicidal self-injury, mindfulness, social functioning, mental health

Email Address:


  • 2023 – Travel Award, Fonds de recherche du Québec en société et culture (FRQSC) Papageno Suicide Prevention Team ($500)

  • 2023 – PhD Student Scholarship, Fonds de recherche du Québec en société et culture (FRQSC) Papageno Suicide Prevention Team ($5,000)

  • 2021 – Graduate Mobility Award (Virtual Collaboration Project), McGill University ($2,000)

  • 2020 – Adolescent Wellness and Community Engagement Award, McGill University ($2,000)

  • 2019-2022 – Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) Doctoral Scholarship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC, $105,000; held)

  • 2019 – Graduate Excellence Fellowship, McGill University ($8,000)

  • 2018-2019 – Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) Master’s Scholarship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC, $17,500; held)

  • 2018 – Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel (GREAT) Award, McGill University  ($600)

  • 2018 – Graduate Student Enhancement Award, Education Graduate Student Society (EGSS, $250)

  • 2018 – Student Research Grant, Canadian Psychological Association (CPA, $500)

  • 2017-2018 – Graduate Excellence Fellowship, McGill University ($3,500)


Simundic, A., Argento, A., Mettler, J., & Heath, N. L. (2024). Perceived social support and connectedness in non-suicidal self-injury engagement. Psychological Reports


Simundic, A., Van Hove, L., Baetens, I., Bloom, E., & Heath, N. L. (2024). Non-suicidal self-injury in elementary schools: School educators’ knowledge and professional development needs. Psychology in the Schools, 61(5), 1868-1880.


Van Hove, L., Baetens, I., Simundic, A., Bloom, E., & Heath, N. L. (2023). Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in elementary school. In E. E. Lloyd-Richarson, I. Baetens, & J. Whitlock (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of nonsuicidal self-injury. Oxford University Press.


Per, M., Simundic, A., Argento, A., Khoury, B., & Heath, N. L. (2022). Examining the relationship between mindfulness, self-compassion, and emotion regulation in self-injury. Archives of Suicide Research, 26(3), 1286-1301


Argento, A., Simundic, A., Mettler, J., Mills, D. J., & Heath, N. L. (2022). Evaluating the effectiveness of a brief mindfulness activity in university students with non-suicidal self-injury engagement. Archives of Suicide Research, 26(2), 871-885.


Cole, E., Ziadé, J., Simundic, A., & Mumby, D. G. (2020). Effects of perirhinal cortex and hippocampal lesions on rats’ performance on two object-recognition tasks. Behavioural Brain Research, 381, 112450.


Cole, E., Simundic, A., Mossa, F. P., & Mumby, D. G (2019). Assessing object-recognition memory in rats: Pitfalls of the existent tasks and the advantages of a new test. Learning & Behavior, 47(2), 141–155.


Cole, E., Mistlberger, R. E., Merza, D., Trigiani, L. J., Madularu, D., Simundic, A., & Mumby, D. G. (2016). Circadian time-place (or time-route) learning in rats with hippocampal lesions. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 136, 236-243.


Milad, J., Simundic, A., Petrovic, J., & Heath, N. L. (2025, August). Social connectedness and interpersonal mindfulness in students with and without recent self-injury. Poster submitted to the American Psychological Association (APA) Conference, Denver, CO, USA.


Simundic, A., Petrovic, J., Aboud, I., Marasigan, P., Khoury, B., Geoffroy, M.-C., & Heath, N. L. (2024, June). Mindfulness activity as a buffer for social exclusion in adults with lived experience of self-injury. Talk presented at the 19th annual International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS) conference, Toronto, ON.


Simundic, A., Van Hove, L., Baetens, I., Bloom, E., & Heath, N. L. (2023, June). Non-suicidal self-injury among elementary-aged children: Educators' experiences and professional development needs. Oral presentation presented at the 84th annual Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) conference, Toronto, ON.


Zito, S., Simundic, A., Argento, A., & Heath, N. L. (2020, May). The mediating role of emotion regulation for university students with a history of non-suicidal self-injury. Poster session accepted for presentation at the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) annual convention, Montreal, QC. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)


Simundic, A., Argento, A., Mettler, J., Petrovic, J., Heath, N. L. (2020, May). Evaluating a mindfulness intervention for young adults with a history of non-suicidal self-injury. Oral presentation accepted for presentation at the 81st Annual National Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Montreal, QC, Canada. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)


Argento, A., Simundic, A., Mettler, J., Petrovic, J., Heath, N. L. (2019, June). Evaluating the effectiveness of a brief mindfulness-based intervention in university students with a history of NSSI engagement. Oral presentation presented at the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS) annual convention, Orlando, FL, USA.


Zito, S., Simundic, A., Argento, A., Charlebois, F., & Heath, N. L. (2019, June). Patterns of initiation and cessation of non-suicidal self-injury in university students. Poster session presented at the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS) convention, Orlando, FL, USA.


Simundic, A., Argento, A., Mettler, J., Petrovic, J., & Heath, L. N. (2019, June). The mediating role of social connectedness for university students with a history of non-suicidal self-injury. Poster session presented at the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS) convention, Orlando, FL, USA.


Simundic, A., Argento, A., Mettler, J., Petrovic, J., & Heath, N. L. (2019, May). Association of emotional intelligence, social support and connectedness in non-suicidal self-injury. Poster session presented at the 31st Association of Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention, Washington, DC, USA.


Simundic, A., Argento, A., Mettler, J., Petrovic, J., & Heath, L. N. (2019, April). The relationship between social connectedness, social support and non-suicidal self-injury. Poster session presented at McGill’s 4th Annual Human Development Student Research Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Argento, A., Simundic, A., Mettler, J., Petrovic, J., & Heath, N. L. (2019, April). Effects of a brief mindfulness intervention on stress and mindfulness in university students with a history of non-suicidal self-injury. FAST-5 presentation at McGill’s 4th Annual Human Development Student Research Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Zito, S., Simundic, A., Argento, A., Charlebois, F., & Heath, N. (2019, April). Initiation and cessation patterns of non-suicidal self-injury: What are the characteristics? Poster session presented at McGill’s 4th Annual Human Development Student Research Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Simundic, A., Etoubashi, N., De Riggi, M. E., Argento, A., & Heath, N. L. (2018, August). Coping self-efficacy and perceived stress as predictors of non-suicidal self-injury. Poster session presented at the 126th Annual American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, San Francisco, California, USA.


Gervais, J. N., Simundic, A., Shams, W., Massaro, C., Pawelczyk, C., Jastrzebski, P… Mumby, G. D. (2018, July). Sex differences and the impact of estradiol in the functional role of the hippocampus in the rat. Poster session presented at the International


Simundic, A., Böke, B. N., & Heath, N. L. (2018, June). Role of coping self-efficacy in first and final year university students’ healthy and unhealthy behaviours. Poster session presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Boke B. N., Mettler, J., Etoubashi, N., Simundic, A., Heath, N. L. (2018, May). The role of loneliness in substance-use coping among emerging adults. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood Thematic Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


Simundic, A., Etoubashi, N., De Riggi, M. E., Argento, A., & Heath, N. L. (2018, April). Predictors of non-suicidal self-injury: Perceived stress and coping self-efficacy. Poster session presented at McGill’s 3rd Annual Human Development Student Research Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Böke, B. N., Mettler, J., Etoubashi, N., Simundic, A., Heath, N. L. (2018, April). Loneliness as a mediator of the relation between stress and substance-use coping. Poster session presented at McGill’s 3rd Annual Human Development Student Research Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.


Argento, A., Boke, N., Simundic, A., & Heath, N. L. (2018, March). Perceived stress and coping patterns in university students. FAST-5 oral presentation presented at the 16th Annual Education Graduate Student Society Conference at  McGill University, Montreal, QC.


Cole, E., Ziadé, J., Simundic, A., Jastrzebski, P., & Mumby, D. G. (2016, April). Examining the effects of perirhinal cortex lesions on rats’ ability to perform two different tests of object- recognition memory. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, Florida, USA.


Cole E., Merza D., Mossa F. P., Simundic A., Trigiani L., Ziadé J., Madularu D., Cuthbert, J., Mistlberger R. E., & Mumby D. G. (2015, May). The effects of hippocampal lesions on rats’ performance on a circadian time-place learning task. Poster presented at the 2nd Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Invited Talks

Heath, N. L, Simundic, A., & Hartwick, K. (2025, February). Best practice guidelines for responding to students who self-injure in schools. Invited talk presented virtually to the International Consortium on Self-Injury in Educational Settings (ICSES) student group, Montreal, QC.​​


Heath, N. L, Simundic, A., & Hartwick, K. (2025, February). Best practice guidelines for responding to students who self-injure in schools. Invited talk presented virtually to the International Consortium on Self-Injury in Educational Settings (ICSES), Montreal, QC.​


Simundic, A., & Heath, N. L. (2022, December). Best practice guidelines for responding to non-suicidal self-injury in schools. Invited talk presented to the Conseil Scolaire Francophone de la Colombie-Britannique, Richmond, BC.


Heath, N. L., & Simundic, A. (2021, September). Non-suicidal self-injury: Essentials for school professionals. Invited talk presented virtually to the Institute of Personality Studies and Development, Hangzhou, China.


Heath, N. L., Simundic, A., & Bastien, L. (2021, February). Understanding non-suicidal self-injury. Invited webinar hosted by Relate Malaysia, Malaysia.


Mettler, J., Bastien, L., Zito, S., Kiafar, A., Voutu, D., Simundic, A., & Heath, N. L. (January, 2020). Mindfulness and school adjustment in adolescence. Invited talk at Royal West Academy, Montreal, QC.


Heath, N. L., Simundic, A., & Argento, A., (2019, September). Best practice guidelines for understanding and responding to non-suicidal self-injury. Invited training workshop delivered to nurses, social workers, and other professionals working in school contexts at the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de service sociaux (CIUSS) du Centre-Ouest-de-l’île-de-Montréal, Montreal, QC.


Zito, S., Bastien, L., Simundic, A., Mettler, J., & Heath, N. L. (2020, November). Mindfulness for Teens. Invited workshop presented to at École Maïmonide, Montreal, QC.


Zito, S., Simundic, A., & Heath, N. L. (2020, April). Mindfulness in the classroom: Strategies to support students living with autism spectrum disorder. Workshop accepted for presentation at the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorder Association (CASDA) 2020 Leadership Summit, Ottawa, ON. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)


Simundic, A., & Böke, B. N. (2018, December). Conference submissions workshop: Poster presentations. Workshop presented to the DAIR Research Team, McGill University, Montreal, QC


3700 McTavish Street B-174, Montréal, Québec H3A 1Y2

Copyright © 2025 Dr. Nancy Heath Research Team. All Rights Reserved


Research supported through the following granting agencies:


  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

  • Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC)

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

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